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ヴァージンリバー エピソード1: 人生は続く
58s -♪ Spins madly on ♪ -Oh, great. 〝圏外〞 最高 〝圏外〞
1:32 Oh. 痛っ
1:36 Well, that looks like a nasty bump. ひどいコブだ
1:40 -How do you feel? -Not great. 具合は? 良くない
1:42 I'm not surprised. だろうね
1:43 Word to the wise. 覚えておけ
1:44 That particular patient always requires
1:47 Right. There wasn't a chart. カルテがなくて
1:49 It's your first day, huh? 今日が初日?
1:51 -Yeah. -Always get the chart. ええ 常にカルテを見て
1:52 -Okay? -Yeah. 常にカルテを見て はい
1:55 Don't wanna walk into a situation totally
1:57 -You'll wind up-- -Knocked on my ass? ちゃんと準備しないと… 尻を打つ?
1:59 [chuckles] Yeah. そうだ
2:05 [sighs] Have a good day. お大事に
2:11 -Oh! -You need to get out of the car. 早く外へ
2:12 -What? -You need to get out of the car,
何? 車から出ないと
2:15 -Your vehicle is stuck in the ditch. -What? 車が溝に はまってる ウソ
2:20 Oh, it's unbelievable. 信じられない
2:22 Well, you're lucky you didn't smash this
ridiculous little car into a tree.
2:26 Thank you for stopping. I'll just call AAA. ロードサービスを呼ぶわ
2:29 Uh... Look around. 無理だ
2:31 You're in a heavily wooded area. There's
no cell reception here.
2:35 Damn it. 最悪
2:37 I'll call Bert once we get into town. 町でバートに頼もう
2:40 If he's not too busy, maybe you'll get your
car back this week.
2:50 Are you comin' or not? どうする?
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3:38 Um... Could you drop me at the McCrea
マクリーのロッジまで お願いします
3:42 It's in Virgin River. I've got the address
3:44 Anyone who lives within 50 miles of here
knows the McCrea cabin.
ここから80キロ以内の 住民は皆 知って

3:49 Oh. Well, from the photo, it's beautiful. 美しい建物みたいで
4:03 Here. これを
4:05 Folks around here, we don't pay each
other to be neighborly.
4:08 Just somethin' we do. 助け合いだ
4:13 Right. I'm sorry. すみません
4:16 Thank you. ありがとう
4:21 And here we are. さて 着いたぞ
4:28 Oh, no. ウソ…
4:32 [man] That's a beaut, huh? “美しい”か?
4:38 [chuckles] Oh! Someone pulled a fast one
on you.
4:40 Never book your vacation online, they'll
scam you every time.
ネットの旅情報は ウソばかりだ
4:44 No, I-- I'm not on vacation. I'm here for a
4:47 I'm the new nurse. 看護師なんです
4:49 I'm-- I'm actually a nurse practitioner and
midwife. I'm gonna be working with Dr.
正確には助産師で マリンズ先生の医院で
4:54 I heard he's handling the practice alone,
and it's getting to be too much for him.
4:57 Oh, is-- is that what you heard, huh? そう聞いたのか
4:59 -Okay. -Yeah. I think he's in his 70s and
still working full time.
お年寄りだけど 頑張ってるみたい
5:02 Oh, it's a wonder he's still above ground. 生きてるのが驚きだ
5:03 So, old Doc hired ya, huh? 雇い主は彼?
5:05 Well, Hope McCrea did the actual hiring. 手続きはマクリーさん
5:08 I'm so sorry. I don't know your name. ところでお名前は?
5:10 I'm Melinda Monroe. People call me Mel. メリンダよ メルと呼んで
5:12 I'm Vernon. ヴァーノンだ
5:13 People call me Doc Mullins. “マリンズ先生”と
5:16 And for the record, missy, それと―
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5:18 I'm 72. 私は72歳だ
5:30 Oh. Oh, what is that? 何これ?
5:42 -Hello? -[woman] Hello? 誰か? はい?
5:46 Hi. どうも
5:48 Melinda! メリンダね
5:50 I'm Hope McCrea. ホープ・マクリーよ
5:52 As the mayor of Virgin River, I'd like to
officially welcome you to our little slice of
あなたを迎えられて 町長としてうれしい

5:57 Hi, Hope. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just-- あの… すみません
5:59 I'm a little confused. 混乱してて
6:03 This is what you sent me. 送られた資料では
6:05 The-- "This farmhouse-chic cabin... “農場風のすてきな小屋”
6:09 nestled in the woods of Northern
“北カリフォルニアの 森で―”
6:12 is designed to enjoy all the trappings of
country life?"
6:15 Like-- "Farmhouse-chic" is not an
accurate description of this property.
6:19 I admit, I-- I haven't gotten around to
taking a more current photo.
最新の写真を 使うべきだったわね
6:24 Okay, well, the job I accepted included
housing for a year.
住居込みで1年の 契約だったけど
6:28 -And I obviously can't stay here. -Um... ここでは暮らせない
6:30 I'll have it cleaned. 後で掃除する
6:34 Was that-- Did you just put a bird's-- Is
that a bird's nest from the oven?
オーブンから 鳥の巣を出したの?
6:38 You did come a bit early. 到着が早くて
6:39 No, I didn't. I'm three days late. 違う 3日遅れよ
6:41 Well, no need to get all twisted up. 落ち着いて
6:43 -Well... -I can wake up the Fitches. Jo
Ellen and Nick rent out their extra rooms.
フィッチズなら 空き部屋を貸してくれる
6:48 Of course, the husband's a bit handsy.
He pretends it's an accident, but it isn't.
でも あそこの旦那 セクハラがひどいの
6:54 Um... Anyway, you look like you can take
care of yourself.
7:00 Oh, well, at least the fridge is stocked
with gourmet foods and beverages.
良かった 冷蔵庫も満タンですね
7:04 I was going to take care of that earlier, 早めに準備する予定が―
7:06 but we... we had a ribbon cutting
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ceremony over at the firehouse. 早めに準備する予定が― 新しい消火ホー
スを 祝う式典が重なって
7:10 Got ourselves a new hose. 新しい消火ホースを 祝う式典が重なって
7:12 -When did you eat last? -Why? いつ食事した? なぜ?
7:15 Hungry equals cranky. 空腹だとイライラするでしょ
7:17 And between us gals, you don't wear
cranky well.
空腹だとイライラするでしょ 良くないわ
7:20 -Hm. -Head to Jack's. By the time you get
7:22 I'll have the hot water running and fresh
towels and blankets.
7:25 -Who's Jack? I-- -Jack's Bar. ジャック? バーよ
7:28 Only place to eat in town after five. You
can walk.
7:30 Out the door and to the left. 歩いていける
7:31 Okay, but we're not done talking about
7:33 Of course we aren't. もちろん
7:36 Bye. またね
8:02 ♪ You're bringin' trouble ♪ ♪ You keep me
hangin' ♪
8:24 -Ricky. -Yeah? リッキー はい
8:25 More glasses, please. グラスを
8:27 Uh, sure, boss. 了解です
8:28 So, what are we havin'? ご注文は?
8:30 Whiskey? Soda? Wine? ウイスキー? ワイン?
8:32 You look like a wine person. ワイン好きだろ
8:34 You need a minute? 迷う?
8:35 Uh, no. Uh, any chance of getting a
8:38 Nope. Not unless you brought your own
8:41 I did not. ないわ
8:42 Uh... So, mixed drinks are not... カクテルは…
8:44 Not our thing. ない
8:45 But I have all the boys, Johnnie, Jack,
and Jim.
8:47 All the regular stuff and beer. Just no
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8:49 [sighs] All right, make it a Jim straight up.
8:54 I commend you on your choice. いい選択だ
8:57 -Thank you. -Mm-hm. どうも
9:00 Well, I didn't know city girls could shoot
9:03 What makes you think I'm a city girl? 都会の女っぽい?
9:06 Come on. Cosmo? Manicure? Cartier? カクテルにマニキュアに カルティエ
9:11 Wow. You should be a detective. 探偵なの?
9:13 No. My days of tracking bad guys are
いや もう足を洗った
9:18 -What? -Sorry. 何か? 外の人間は珍しい
9:19 We don't get a lot of visitors. Certainly not
as beautiful as you.
外の人間は珍しい 特に美人は
9:22 I'm sorry. Does that line really work? そんなこと言っても無駄
9:24 Oh, you'd be surprised. 驚くぞ
9:26 Well, you're lucky we're not in Los
Angeles, because Angelinos can smell
BS a mile away.
ここがLAだったら 鼻であしらわれてた
9:31 Oh, really? That's one of the reasons why
I love living here so much.
9:34 -People aren't so jaded. -[chuckles] 人がいい
9:36 I'm Jack Sheridan. ジャックだ
9:38 Mel Monroe. 私はメル
9:41 So, is this your bar? あなたの店?
9:42 Well, it will be in about 60 more
9:47 So, Miss Mel Monroe from LA, LAから来たメルさんは
9:51 what brings you to our tiny little hamlet? なぜ この町に?
9:56 -Work. -Yeah? 仕事 へえ
9:58 Where you staying? 宿は?
10:00 Uh, the McCrea cabin. マクリーのロッジ
10:03 Oof. What'd you do to deserve that? 罰ゲームか
10:05 [laughs] Yeah, I should have come up
and vetted the place first.
10:09 Oh, come on. I think spontaneity's an
admirable quality.
10:12 Oh, no. You-- you can't credit me with
being spontaneous.
違うの そういうタイプじゃない
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10:16 [sighs] No, it once took me six months to
buy a crêpe pan.
フライパンを買うのに 6ヵ月 悩んだ
10:21 -Six months. -Six months. 6ヵ月? そう
10:22 Yeah, I usually check everything three
times, and then I check it again.
3回 確認して もう1回 確認するの
10:28 Used to drive my... だから…
10:34 -So, how long you here for? -Um... 滞在期間は?
10:37 A year. 1年
10:38 I'm working with Dr. Mullins. マリンズ先生と働く
10:40 I'm a nurse. 看護師よ
10:41 Oh, that should be an experience. 大変そうだ
10:43 Yeah. I imagine it's gonna resemble the
10:45 -Uncomfortable. -Exactly. 居心地悪い? そう
10:47 I think you might be right. 間違いない
10:59 So, you know Dr. Mullins? マリンズ先生を?
11:01 Oh, everybody knows everybody around
小さい町だ 皆 顔見知り
11:03 -Small town. -Right. 小さい町だ 皆 顔見知り ええ
11:04 And it's Doc. 彼は医者だし
11:05 He does not like formalities. 堅苦しいのが嫌い
11:07 Oh, well, he does not like me. I basically
called him old.
“年寄り”と言ったから 私のことも嫌い
11:11 But in my defense, I didn't know it was
him I was talking to when I said it.
まさか話してる相手が 本人だとは
11:16 -He is old. -I know, right? 事実だしね そうよ
11:19 Thank you. どうも
11:22 Preacher, Mel. プリーチャー
11:24 -Mel, Preacher. -Hi. メルだ よろしく
11:30 Yeah, he's a man of few words, but he's a
good friend, -and he's a great cook. -Mm.
寡黙だがいいヤツだ 料理の腕も立つ
11:41 This is amazing. What is this? 最高 何これ?
11:42 Squirrel. リスだ
11:47 -That was too easy. -That's not funny. 冗談 やめてよ
11:49 [laughs] You're dining on squash and
11:52 You know what? I actually have had
squirrel, and if it's done right, it's pretty
リスはちゃんと 料理すればうまい
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11:55 Okay, well, I'm gonna take your word on
11:59 Oh, no, no, no. もういい
12:01 If I have any more, I won't be able to find
the cabin.
12:04 Which might not be a bad thing, so... その方がいいか
12:11 [Mel] It's my car. God bless you, Bert. 私の車! 良かった
12:13 I can't sleep in that. 車内泊は無理ね
12:16 You certainly can't drive. 運転も無理だぞ
12:18 Oh, no, no, no. しないわ
12:19 No. I mean, leaving town's just not even
an option.
12:22 Would you like to know why? 訳を知りたい?
12:24 I will tell you. 実はね
12:25 Because... I sold my house... and most of
my belongings.
家を売ったの 物も処分した
12:29 And then I quit my job. And I moved to
this town that I've never heard of just so I
could live in there.
仕事も辞め 知らない町へ あれが新居
12:34 -[Jack] Yep. -[Mel] So... ああ それで…
12:37 I hate it when Joey's right. You know? ジョーイの 言うとおりになった
12:40 Husband? 夫?
12:41 Sister. 姉よ
12:44 if I had a spare room, I'd offer, but... 貸せる部屋ならあるけど…
12:47 Oh, no, no, no. That's sweet, but it's... it's
ありがとう 大丈夫
12:52 I'll just, you know, it'll be one night. It'll be
like camping. Right?
今晩だけだし キャンプと思えば
12:56 Yeah, sure. そうだな
13:15 It's not that bad, right? まだマシよね
13:17 Well... ああ
13:18 Perspective is most often the key to
13:23 So, what you're saying is that acclimation
is possible.
13:26 Oh, yeah. もちろん
13:28 Just try not to insult any more residents. ただ 悪口には注意を
13:33 Thank you, Jack. ありがとう
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13:35 Thank you for the... the help, 手伝ってくれて 助言も 食事も ありがた
13:37 and the kind words, and food. 助言も 食事も ありがたかった
13:42 But mostly, thank you for the whiskey. 特にウイスキー
13:48 Any time, Mel. いつでも
14:23 Hey, Mark, do you know which box the
towels are in?
マーク タオルはどの箱?
14:33 -[laughs] -No... さあね
14:36 but I found a set of sheets. シーツはあるよ
14:37 -[gasps] Oh. -Mm. そう
14:45 What are you doing with this? これを使った?
14:47 I'm drying my hands. 手を拭いた
14:50 This is personally autographed by Bob
ボブ・シーガーと バンドメンバーの
14:52 and the entire Silver Bullet Band. ボブ・シーガーと バンドメンバーの サイ
14:55 Handed down to me by my father, who
was at Cobo Hall in Detroit
父親から受け継いだ レコーディングの時
に 父親がもらったサインだ
14:58 on the night of the live recording of their
very first album.
レコーディングの時に 父親がもらったサ
15:01 Now, one beautiful day in the not-toodistant future,
近い将来 僕もこれを―
15:04 I'm gonna hand this on to our son, Mark
15:06 -Mm. -And he to his son, Mark Junior
Junior. And so on and so forth.
そうやって 代々 受け継がれてく
15:13 What if we have a girl? 娘だったら?
15:22 [whispers] What if we have a girl? どうしよう
17:23 Come on! 勘弁して
17:27 [groans] I hate this place. ここ 大嫌い
17:39 It's too early for lectures. 詮索(せんさく)は結構
17:41 Hey, I didn't say a thing. まだ何も
17:42 Yeah, you didn't have to. 何も言うな
17:46 So? それで?
17:47 The pretty lady make it home last night? 彼女は家に?
17:50 She had a ring on. 指輪してた
17:51 Yeah, I wasn't sure you noticed. 気付いてたか
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17:53 I did. ああ
19:02 That gun's not loaded, right? 装填(そうてん)済み?
19:05 Okay. Uh, first, I just wanted to say thank
you for stopping and helping me last
昨夜は助けてくれて ありがとうございま
19:12 And second, I would like to apologize for
what I said.
失礼なことを言って すみません
19:15 The part where you called me old “年寄り”?
19:17 or the part where you said I can't handle
my practice?
19:19 In my defense, I was told by Mrs. McCrea
that you were elderly
あなたは高齢で引退間近だと マクリーさ
19:24 -and nearing retirement. -[sighs] マクリーさんから聞いて
19:25 It took me 30 years to build this practice
from scratch.
30年やってきた ゼロから
19:29 No help. 一人で
19:30 No nurse. I don't need ya. 看護師は必要ない
19:32 Well, I signed a contract. でも契約を
19:34 Hah. Not with me, you didn't. 私とじゃない
19:36 I don't even recall interviewing you, 面談もしてない
19:37 but maybe that's... that's just my
dementia actin' up.
19:42 Well, I was hired to do a job, and I'm here
to do that job.
とにかく雇われたので 仕事をします
19:47 You know, in this county, trespassers can
be shot...
この郡では 侵入者を発見次第―
19:51 on sight. 銃で撃てる
19:56 Uh, I'm not trespassing. 侵入者じゃない
19:58 Do you work here? No. ここの従業員じゃない
20:00 Are you a patient here? No. 患者でもない
20:02 Did I invite you in? No. 来てくれと頼んでない
20:04 If it looks like a duck and quacks like a
duck, that is a duck.
外見も声もアヒルなら それはアヒルだ
20:09 Okay. What are you gonna do, shoot me? じゃあ私を撃つ?
20:20 Well, it's finally happened. なんてこと
20:22 -You've lost your damn mind. -Ow. おかしくなった?
20:23 You threatened her with a gun? 銃で脅すなんて
20:25 I simply educated her 地元の決まりを教えただけだ
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20:26 -on some of our local laws. -You are a
stubborn goat.
地元の決まりを教えただけだ この頑固オ
20:31 I think you mean stubborn old goat. 老人と思ってるんだろ
20:33 You're old. I'm old. It's not a secret. 事実でしょう
20:35 -I told you I would find somebody myself.
-Maybe I should just go--
助手は自分で探す 私は…
20:38 -Go! -Stay! 待って
20:39 I gave you an entire year. 1年 猶予を与えた
20:42 This is not your business. 君に関係ない
20:43 -This town depends on both of us. -And
who put you in charge?
私にもあるわ 誰が決めた?
20:46 The town did when they elected me
20:48 -You ran unopposed. -The point is, I won. 対抗馬不在で でも勝利した
20:51 You are the only one who thinks I need
any help.
皆 私は一人で 大丈夫と思ってる
20:53 -The only one. -[Hope] Bull. 皆 私は一人で 大丈夫と思ってる 違う
怖くて事実を 言えないだけ
20:55 Everyone thinks you need help. They're
just too scared to tell you.
違う 怖くて事実を 言えないだけ
20:58 Vernon, we both know you can't be in two
places at once.
一人での対応も 限界があるでしょう
21:11 Even for you, that was low. 今回の君の行為は最悪だ
21:32 [sighs] I thought you were dead. 生きてたのね
21:34 Hey, I'm sorry, sis. I-- ごめん 私…
21:36 Yeah, I was about to call out the National
21:38 [chuckles] Well, they probably wouldn't be
able to find this place, anyway.
21:43 What's wrong? どうしたの
21:44 Nothing. I'm fi-- I'm fine. 別に 大丈夫
21:47 I'm worried about you. Just tell me what's
goin' on.
心配なの 話して
21:50 Um, nothing. 何もない
21:52 Nothing, nothing. I'm... fine. 本当に 私は… 元気
21:58 [sobs] I just... ただ…
22:05 It's just this doctor that I'm working for
doesn't want me here.
22:10 And this cabin I'm in, it's just... あと ロッジが…
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22:12 it's just awful. 最低
22:13 And I... それで…
22:16 I just feel really alone right now. 今 私は独りぼっちなの
22:19 Mel, you are not alone. 一人じゃないわ
22:22 Okay? Come back here. You can stay
with us for as long as you want.
戻ってきて うちで暮らせばいい
22:26 Mel, stop trying to punish yourself for
what happened. Nobody blames you.
自分に罰を与えるような ことはやめて
22:31 Just come home. 戻ってきて
22:37 Honey, all you changed by moving was
your address.
22:42 I'm sorry, Joe. I'm gonna call you
tomorrow, okay?
明日 また電話する
22:45 -I love you. -No. 愛してる 待って
23:05 Hey. どうも
23:06 I've got goat, beef, venison, rabbit, and
今日はヤギ ウサギ 水牛の肉
23:09 Uh... Any fish? 魚は?
23:10 You know, you should try the salad with
the shaved brussels sprouts and kale.
芽キャベツと ケールのサラダはどう?
23:16 -Kale? -Yeah. あるの? ええ
23:17 All of Preacher's vegetables are farm-totable,
野菜は全部 産地直送
23:19 and the farm is about 50 feet from the
23:21 Okay, great. Well, I'll have that salad,
じゃあ そのサラダを
23:26 -Thanks for the assist. -I'm Paige
助かった 私はパン店のペイジよ
23:29 I run the bakery truck. 私はパン店のペイジよ
23:30 -Hi. I'm Mel-- -Monroe. Yeah, the new
私はメル… 看護師のモンローね
23:33 In small towns, the internet is slow, but
the gossip is fast.
小さい町だから うわさはすぐ広まる
23:37 Right. なるほど
23:38 Is that a Celine bag? セリーヌのバッグね
23:42 Yes, it is. そうよ
23:43 I'm probably the only person in Virgin
River with a subscription to Vogue.
私は町で唯一の 「ヴォーグ」読者よ
23:47 -So, this... -[chuckles] だから…
23:49 Um... Anyway, you should stop by for a 今度 私の店にも寄って
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muffin or something.
23:53 -Oh? -Yeah. Us girls should stick
ええ 女同士で話そう
23:55 Absolutely. ぜひ
23:56 -Okay. It's nice to meet you. -You too. またね また
24:29 Look... ねえ
24:30 -you are a brilliant doctor... -Huh. あなたは優れた医師よ
24:34 But when you're finally ready to hang up
your stethoscope,
でも あなたが引退したら
24:37 you'll be leaving behind a gaping hole in
this community.
24:41 I don't even know her. 彼女を知らない
24:43 She ranked top of her class at UC Irvine, 大学を首席で卒業
24:46 did her practical at County USC, 医大病院で研修後
24:48 then she spent five years working
emergency at Cedars-Sinai.
5年間 緊急医療に携わる
24:51 Her references are good as gold. 推薦人も一流
24:53 Then what the heck's she doin' here? なぜ この町に?
24:55 I guess she... wanted a change. きっと変化を望んでたのよ
25:00 Even if you're too stubborn to admit it, we
both know you need help.
認めたくなくても 助手は必要よ
25:05 [sighs] Give her a chance. お願い
25:10 You got nothing to lose. 試してみて
25:21 Thirty days. 30日間
25:22 But... if she can't cut it, でも彼女が使えなかったら
25:25 I've got your word this is the last time you
stick your nose in my business.
25:45 [Jack] Ooh. Good choice. お目が高い
25:47 This is so delicious. おいしい
25:48 Well, you sound surprised. 驚いた?
25:50 Oh, no, it's totally normal to have a
gourmet kale and brussels sprout salad
辺鄙(ぴ)な町の 動物の頭を飾るバーで 最
高のサラダが 食べられるのって普通?
25:54 at a bar in the middle of nowhere
surrounded by animal heads.
最高のサラダが 食べられるのって普通?
25:58 You want something to drink? 飲み物は?
25:59 I would kill for a latte. ラテがいい
26:00 Sorry. Nearest Starbucks, 80 miles away. スタバは128キロ先
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26:02 -Really? -Mm-hm. 本当?
26:03 You know there's a Starbucks in Kuala
26:06 Um, Nurses Beyond Borders. NGOで行ったの
26:08 A humanitarian. 人道支援か
26:10 There's so many things to learn about
you, huh?
26:12 Hm. Yeah, well, according to Doc, I'm an
26:15 Well, good thing I'm still relatively young
and attractive.
良かった 俺はまだ若い
26:18 You know, looks have nothing to do with
it. You're the only restaurant in town.
あなたは 唯一の飲食店主だから大丈夫
26:21 Oh, yeah, you keep telling yourself that. それを忘れるなよ
26:23 What I keep telling myself is that I'm
crazy for not packing up and going home.
自分が荷物を持って 町を出ないのが不思

26:30 Good news. 吉報よ
26:31 Doc's not gonna throw you a parade, but
he agreed to try you out.
26:34 You start immediately. 早速 仕事よ
26:36 Hope, you've already hired me. 契約してたのに
26:37 Well, here's the thing. I'm paying your
salary, but it is his practice, so...
私が給料を払うけど 彼の仕事だから…
26:42 Why didn't you just tell me that? 先に言って
26:44 Honey, then you wouldn't have come,
would you?
26:47 Like my father said to my mother at the
altar, "You're already here, so let's make
the best of it."
父も結婚式で母に “腹をくくれ”と言った
26:54 Well, I'm not staying in that shack another
26:56 I gotta side with Mel on that one. メルに賛成だ
26:57 You stay out of this. 黙ってて
26:59 Do I need to remind you that we have a-- ねえ 私たちは…
27:01 Oh, oh, I'm fully aware that we have a
27:04 Okay? I'm also aware that suitable
housing was part of the deal,
でも適切な住居も 契約に含まれてるから
27:08 so technically, you're in breach. これは契約違反
27:10 Which means the contract is null and
void. I can leave whenever I want.
つまり私は いつでも町を出られる
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27:23 -[groans] -Can you afford to have her
27:26 No. ダメよ
27:28 Well, why don't you get her a room at the
27:31 I'll fix up the cabin. Ricky could help me. ロッジは俺が直す
27:33 I'm not made of money. お金がないの
27:34 [snorts] Hope, please don't poor-mouth to
27:37 You and I both know you couldn't spend
half of what you have if you tried.
27:40 You're offering an awful lot of yourself to
help a complete stranger.
27:44 Oh, Hope, I thought you knew me better
than that.
27:46 Jack, I've known you a long time. 昔からあなたを知ってる
27:49 If Mel was short for Melvin, we wouldn't
be having this conversation.
男性には ここまでしないでしょ
27:56 I believe Hope has some good news for
28:00 I'll put you up at the Fitches' while I figure
out what to do with the cabin.
しばらく フィッチズに泊まって
28:04 The place with the handsy husband? セクハラの宿ね
28:06 Did I say that? そうだっけ?
28:13 You know, I can fight my own battles. 助けはいいのに
28:15 Never turn down help when deep in a
28:19 How about a show of Virgin River
28:23 Why don't I take you on a tour tomorrow? 明日はどう?
28:26 Okay, tell you what. よし
28:27 I'm gonna be at the river at seven a.m. 俺は朝7時に川に行く
28:31 If you want to join me, 興味があれば―
28:33 I'll be there. 来てくれ
28:58 Hey. Uh, so, should I just pull up a chart
and grab a patient?
29:01 -No. -No? いや はい?
29:03 No. Until I can confirm that you are
competent, no patients.
君が有能と分かるまで 患者は見せない
29:08 Well, how can you confirm my
competency if I can't see any patients?
でも どう能力を 証明すれば?
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29:11 Chitchat is over. I've got a waitin' room
full of people.
雑談は終わり 患者が待ってる
29:40 -Welcome. -Hi. ようこそ どうも
29:42 Oh, I am sorry that my husband isn't here
to greet you as well.
今 夫はいないの
29:45 -Oh... -He's doing a supply run in Grace
29:48 We only have one room left, and, uh... I'm
nervous that you won't like it.
空きは1部屋だけど 気に入るかしら
29:52 Hope told me that you're very picky. 好き嫌いが激しいと聞いて
29:55 Yeah. ええ
29:56 -[Jo Ellen] Come take a look. -[Mel] Okay. 見てみて はい
29:59 -[Jo Ellen] After you. -[Mel] Thank you. どうぞ どうも
31:29 Boy, you picked the wrong place to rob. 場所を誤ったな
31:34 Get your hands up. 手を上げろ
31:37 Now turn around. Slowly. ゆっくり振り返れ
31:46 Come on. 何だよ
31:47 Hey, man. よう
31:48 Brady! [laughing] ブレイディ!
31:50 Bro, what are you doing in here, man? お前 ここで何してた?
31:53 I was leaving you a note. Wanted to let
you know I was okay.
31:56 How the hell did you get in here? どう入った?
31:57 Come on. I know where you keep the
spare key.
32:01 Listen, I-- I've got plans this morning. 今朝は予定がある
32:03 But why don't you go get something to
eat, and then go up to my room,
まず何か食ってこい 俺の部屋を貸す
32:07 grab some sleep, and then clean yourself
up, okay?
32:09 [chuckles] All right. ああ
32:11 Long time. 久しぶり
32:12 Welcome back. おかえり
32:14 Thanks, man. 感謝する
32:16 Yeah. ああ
32:38 [Jack] Hey! やあ!
32:40 Hey. おはよう
32:42 Are you coming up, or am I coming
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down? 下りた方がいい?
32:43 -You're comin' down here. -Okay. 下りてきて 了解
32:52 Oh, I see you got a coffee. コーヒーか
32:54 [sighs] Yeah. Paige's bakery truck. ペイジの店でね
32:57 You could have mentioned it. 教えてよ
32:59 -I believe in self-discovery. -Ah. 自分で見つけないと
33:01 -And practicality. -Ah! これを
33:03 Yeah. それは…
33:05 -No, thank you. -No, no, no. I insist. 結構よ いや 義務だ
33:09 Where are we going? どこへ?
33:10 I cleared your morning with Doc. 大丈夫 先生には伝えた
33:13 You cleared my morning. 先生に?
33:14 Well, there's no cell reception out here, ここは圏外だし
33:16 so I figured you wouldn't want to give Doc
any more ammunition by being late, so...
遅刻して また脅されたくないだろ?
33:21 -Wow. -But let me help you. 手伝うよ
33:23 No, no. I don't need your assistance,
33:26 Okay. I'm sorry I called Doc for you. It
won't happen again.
33:30 Now, you wanna put your hand on my
33:33 [chuckles] Okay, now step. よし 入れて
33:36 And... other one. 片方も
33:37 Step. 入れて
33:39 Okay. よし
33:40 -All right. We can leave this here. -Wait. 荷物は置いていく
33:42 No. No, no, no. 待って
33:44 My whole life is in that bag. 貴重品よ
33:45 Oh, look, no one's gonna take it. 盗まれないよ
33:48 -Hm? -Because no one's here. 誰もいない
33:53 -Trust me? -Hm. 信じた?
34:05 Mm. Hey, thank you. ありがとう
34:12 -Uh... How much further? -We're almost
まだ先? もう少し
34:34 Wow. すごい
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34:36 It's not even the best part. 主役が来るぞ
34:41 Eagles. ワシだ
34:45 Here. これを
34:53 This is their favorite spot. ここが好きらしい
34:56 Mine too. 俺もだ
35:00 They're incredible. Huh. すてきね
35:02 Yeah. ああ
35:11 So, what's next? この後は?
35:14 Nothin'. 終わり
35:31 Here. 上着を
35:34 Oh, thank you. ありがとう
35:37 Yeah. ほら
35:51 I think I can actually hear my heart
35:55 "In peace, nothing so becomes a man..."
Or woman...
“平和時の男の美徳は…” 女もね
36:01 -" modest stillness." -Shakespeare? “静かなる謙虚さ” シェイクスピアね
36:04 -Mm. -You an English major? 英文学を?
36:07 No, I never went to college. 大学は行ってない
36:09 But in my 20s, I loved to read while
20代で読書に はまってね
36:12 so it kind of all evens out. 酒の肴(さかな)に
36:18 -Is that hunters? -Yeah, could be. 狩猟? 分からない
36:20 Could be somethin' else. 分からない
36:23 There's a lot of illegal pot fields outside of
Virgin River.
対岸には大麻の 違法栽培が多い
36:26 But it's legal now. もう合法よ
36:28 Yeah. It doesn't stop the illegal growers
from doin' business.
ああ でも違法業者は まだいる
36:32 Cross them, and things can turn
36:39 I used to work in the, uh... ER Level One
Trauma Center,
前は緊急外傷センターで 働いてたから
36:43 so I've seen my fair share of what
dangerous can do.
36:47 ER, huh? そうか
36:49 Sounds like an intense job. 大変だったろ
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36:51 Yeah, you could say that. そうね
36:55 But I'm sure owning a bar has its
37:00 Piece of cake, compared to my time in
the service.
37:02 Marine. Joined up right out of high
37:05 Spent 20-plus years, mostly in the Middle
20年以上 主に中東に プリーチャーもそ

37:07 Preacher was with me. And Brady. You
haven't met him yet.
20年以上 主に中東に プリーチャーもそ
う ブレイディも
37:12 Wow. そう
37:16 Do you miss it? 懐かしい?
37:18 Yes and no. どうかな
37:20 I had, um... 俺には…
37:22 [coughs] People who... depended on me. 守るべき部下がいた
37:27 And Virgin River, well, it's, uh... ここは楽園だ
37:31 it's a utopia, compared to a war zone. 戦場に比べればね
37:47 -Oh, here. -Oh... [sighs] ほら
37:51 -Aah. -Thank you. どうも
37:52 You're welcome. いや
37:58 Thanks for this morning. 楽しかった
38:00 It was my pleasure. こちらこそ
38:07 Well, I'll see you around. じゃあ また
38:09 Yeah, you will. ああ
38:13 -See ya. -Bye. じゃあ
38:24 Hello? どうも
38:26 Doc? 先生?
38:40 Is Doc here? 先生は?
38:42 Hi, there. No, no, he's not in right now. 今はいないの
38:45 He'll be back soon. すぐに戻る
38:47 I'll wait. 待ちます
38:48 Uh... I'm the new nurse practitioner.
Maybe I can help you.
私は看護師です 診察を
38:52 Uh... Oh, I'll wait for Doc. [groans] 先生がいい
38:55 -Um... When are you due? -Ooh...
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38:57 Any day now. そろそろ
39:00 -[whimpers] -It's okay. 大丈夫
39:02 Okay. I think I should take a look at you. I
don't know when the doctor'll be back.
先生がいつ戻るか分からない 診察させて
39:07 -Okay? -Okay. いい? はい
39:08 -Okay. Can you stand? -Okay. 立てる? ええ
39:12 -[whimpers] Yeah. -It's okay. Just take a
39:15 -Ready? One, two, three. Up. -Okay. いい?
39:17 There you go. 立てた
39:19 It's okay. You're gonna be just fine. 大丈夫 心配ない
39:21 -Okay? -Okay. いい? はい
39:24 -What's your name? -Polly. お名前は? ポリー・フィッシュバーン
39:26 -Polly Fishburn. -Polly Fishburn. ポリー・フィッシュバーン ポリーね
39:29 My name's Mel. 私はメル
39:31 And I'm gonna take really good care of
you, okay?
39:32 Okay. はい
39:34 You're gonna be just fine now. Can you
get up on this table?
39:37 -Yeah. [groans] -Got it? ええ よし
39:38 -You got it. You got it. -[sighs] ありがとう
39:45 I've gone through last night's receipts
39:48 -Mm-hm? -The cash box is light. 現金が少ない
39:53 Oh, y-- you know what? そうだった
39:55 I advanced Ricky a week to prep the
McCrea cabin for some maintenance. I--
リッキーに ロッジの修理の前払いを
39:59 I thought I logged that. Must have
40:03 Oh, look who's back in town... 戻ってたのか
40:06 Brady. ブレイディ
40:07 So, how long before you disappear
40:09 I told him he could stay as long as he
40:12 I'm gonna head to Clear River. Run some
errands. Catch you in a bit.
用事で出かける また後で
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40:16 Yeah. ああ
40:27 Uh, I left... 俺は…
40:30 a lot of kids behind who I couldn't help. 多くの部下を見捨てた
40:32 I can help Brady, okay? I'm not turning
my back on him.
40:36 Well, then, you may wanna change the
locks on the office door.
40:40 Or you may be "advancing Ricky" a whole
lot more than a week's pay.
リッキーの賃金が こんなに高額なはずな

40:56 What is goin' on? 一体 何だ?
40:57 -I'm with a patient. -No, I-- 診察中です
40:59 I'm almost done. I'll be right out. すぐ終わるので
41:04 Is everything okay? 問題は?
41:05 You're doing fine. Your baby is doing fine,
大丈夫 赤ちゃんも元気
41:08 You're just having... some Braxton Hicks. これはいわゆる… 前駆陣痛ね 陣痛の練
41:12 -Oh. -False labor pains. 前駆陣痛ね 陣痛の練習よ
41:14 -[chuckles] -They don't feel false though,
do they?
41:16 -No. [laughs] -No. ええ
41:19 Uh... Why don't you just lay here and rest, しばらく休んで
41:21 and I'll go call your husband to come pick
you up, okay?
41:23 Okay. ええ
41:25 Thanks, Mel. ありがとう
41:27 You're very welcome. いいえ
41:35 -Who said you could give her an exam? -I
was just doing my job.
勝手なことを 仕事をしただけ
41:38 This is my practice. My name is on that
41:41 You do not work with a patient unless you
have my permission.
41:44 Polly was having Braxton Hicks. 前駆陣痛でした
41:46 I had to examine her to make sure that
she wasn't in premature labor.
早産の恐れがあり 診察しました
41:50 Did you know there's protein in her urine? タンパク尿でしたが
41:52 Don't lecture me about my patient. 私に指導か?
41:54 Well, it's not in her chart. カルテに未記入
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41:55 -I don't put everything in the chart. -Uhhuh.
何もかもは書かない では記録は?
41:58 -Okay, well, where do you put it? -Right
では記録は? ここだよ
42:01 And if you're not here to tell me what's
not in the chart?
42:04 My dear, I'm not just old, I'm old-school. 私は昔ながらのやり方を好む
42:08 And in my day, a nurse would never,
never question the methods of a
supervising physician.
昔の看護師は 医者のやり方に口を挟まな

42:13 A nurse would know her place. 身の程を知ってた
42:16 Well, I hope you'll join me in the 21st
42:19 And your point is? 何が言いたい
42:21 This time it was false labor, but what
about the next Polly or whoever?
今回は前駆陣痛でしたが 次は?
42:25 Wh-- Do you want me to just stand by
and watch someone bleed out if you're
not here?
出血する患者を 眺めていろと?
42:29 You should have called me. 電話をよこせ
42:31 I had things under control. 私が対処できます
42:34 These patients, they are like my family. 患者は私の家族だ
42:36 And I cannot trust you with them 君に任せられん
42:37 unless I know for sure you're not gonna
hurt someone.
42:41 [sighs] So, if I can't do what I was hired to
do, what is it that you want me to do?
それでは仕事ができない 一体 何をすれ
42:47 Well, straighten up the office. 部屋の片付け
42:49 File things. Uh-- Keep the coffee pot full. 書類の整理 コーヒーの用意
42:52 I like mine black and fresh. 私にはブラックをな
43:01 [Mel] He's refusing to let me do my job. 働かせてくれない
43:02 -Give it time. -No, no, no, no, no. 時間を… 時間の問題じゃない
43:04 This is not about time. 時間の問題じゃない
43:06 Okay, good medicine is about teamwork,
and he doesn't want me on his team.
良い医療には チームワークが不可欠
43:10 He'll come around. 歩み寄れる
43:11 He is rude, he is demeaning, 無作法で 無礼で
43:14 and he's a big-time chauvinist. 排他主義の男よ
43:16 The man's got his quirks, I'll give you that. 彼も自覚してるはず
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43:18 It's obvious that he needs somebody, but
it's not gonna work like this, okay?
助手が要るのは分かる でも無理
43:22 It needs to be his idea, or he's never
gonna accept it.
43:25 My grandfather was just like him. 私の祖父と同じ
43:26 So, you understand. 慣れてる?
43:28 Yeah, and he's never gonna change. 彼は変わらない
43:30 [sighs] Look, Hope, the bottom line is that
this is not what I signed up for.
とにかく今の状態じゃ 契約と違う
43:40 Join the club, sweetheart. 適応しないと
43:43 Life rarely gives us what we want. 人生は 期待どおりにいかない
43:45 Okay... I didn't join a club, okay? I took a
43:49 I'm sorry, I have to give you notice. 悪いけど辞めます
43:52 I'll give you time to find someone, but you
need to start looking now.
44:23 She's so beautiful. 美人さんね
44:24 -♪ And I saw my reflection ♪ -[Mark] So,
where's Bill?
44:27 -♪ In the snow-covered hills ♪ -Work. 仕事よ
44:30 Auntie Mel. メルおばさん
44:31 -♪ Till the landslide brought me down ♪ -
You make beautiful babies.
44:35 So, when are you two gonna make me an
44:40 -♪ What is love? ♪ -We're working on it. 頑張ってる
44:43 -♪ Can the child ♪ -Work harder. もっと頑張って
44:47 -♪ Rise above? ♪ -Okay. さて…
44:48 -You know I rarely agree with your sister.
-♪ Can I sail ♪
44:52 -♪ Ocean tides? -She's right. 珍しくね
44:55 -♪ Can I handle the seasons ♪ -I have to
run. Sorry.
46:13 [Jack] Hey, Mel. メル
46:15 Jack? ジャック
46:16 -♪ Well, maybe ♪ -You better take a look
at this.
46:23 -♪ Well, maybe ♪ -[Mel] Jesus. ウソ
46:27 I'm pretty sure that's not Jesus. ウソじゃなさそう
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